Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Want to be SCJP 1.4 or 5.0 ?

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Just study the materials below.....It is enough if you are done with this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its really a complete site for doing your certification with great scores.

Material chaptered aside is written by author Jamie Jaworski.It covers exams 310-025,

For scjp 1.4(310-035):

I have attached :
2.Study Materials
1.Sun Certified Programmer and Developer for Java 2 - author - Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates
2.Java Certification Success, Part 1: SCJP - author - Pradeep Chopra
3.Mock Exams - with answers
4.Links to online Mock Exams

For scjp 5.0(310-055):

I have attached :
2.Study Materials
1.Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 written by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates
3.Mock Exams - with answers
4.Links to online Mock Exams

For scjp 5.0 Upgrade Exam(310-056):

I have attached:
1.Fast Track to Sun Certified Java Programmer(SCJP)5.0 Upgrade Exam

Go through once.You will really find it very very helpful!

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Java 2 Certification Training Guide.pdf - Jamie Jaworski Chapter 1. Introduction & Sample SCJP Exam Questions

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Java 2 Certification Training Guide

Chapter 1. Introduction & Sample SCJP Exam Questions

Table of Contents


Part I Becoming a Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer

Chapter 1 -Overview of the Java Programmer Exam -9
Chapter 2 -Language Fundamentals - 15
Chapter 3 -Operators and Assignments - 31
Chapter 4 -Declarations and Access Control - 60
Chapter 5 -Flow Control and Exception Handling - 74
Chapter 6 Overloading, Overriding, Runtime Type, and Object Orientation - 95
Chapter 7 -Garbage Collection - 114
Chapter 8 -Threads - 122
Chapter 9 -The java.lang Package - 145
Chapter 10 -The java.util Package - 158
Chapter 11 -The java.awt Package: Components and Facilities - 177
Chapter 12 -The java.awt Package: Layout - 204
Chapter 13 -The java.awt Package: Event Handling - 219
Chapter 14 -The java.awt Package: Painting - 238
Chapter 15 -The Package - 257

Part II Becoming a Sun Certified Java 2 Architect

Chapter 16 -Overview of the Java Architect Exam - 285
Chapter 17 -Java Applications Architecture - 289
Chapter 18 -Object-Oriented Architecture Design - 300
Chapter 19 -Distributed Applications Technologies - 314
Chapter 20 -Securing Distributed Applications - 337
Chapter 21 -Working with Legacy Systems - 354

Part III Becoming a Sun Certified Java 2 Developer

Chapter 22 -Overview of the Java Developer Exam - 368
Chapter 23 -The Programming Assignment - 373
Chapter 24 -The Essay Exam - 379

Part IV Appendixes

Appendix A -Running the Simulated Exam Program - 385
Appendix B -Running the Simulated Preparation Program - 390
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
List of Sidebars


Java 2 Certification

In just a few years, Java has become one of the world's most popular programming languages. Java's
initial popularity stemmed from its association with the Web and its capability to deliver executable
content to Web pages. This popularity increased as programmers discovered Java's power, simplicity,
and rich APIs. Java's popularity increased further as both large and small companies invested in
building Java-based information infrastructures.

One of the results of Java's popularity is that there is a high demand for skilled Java programmers and
system architects. However, due to Java's brief existence, experienced Java programmers are hard to
find. Hardly anyone in the field has more than a few years experience in developing Java applications.
This is a problem for both employers and programmers. Employers cannot rely on the traditional
number of years of experience in selecting senior-level Java programmers and software engineers. Star
Java programmers have a hard time differentiating themselves from entry-level Java programmers.

The Java certification exams provide a solution for both employers and programmers. Employers can
identify skilled Java programmers by their certification level. Programmers and software engineers can
attest to their knowledge of Java by pointing to their certification credentials.

The Java certification program is not new—it has been around since version 1.02 of the Java
Developer's Kit. However, a new certification exam—the Java Architect exam—was introduced with
Java 2. The differences between the three exams are as follows:

Programmer exam—The Programmer exam tests the candidate's knowledge of the Java
language and basic API packages. Programmer certification is a prerequisite to Developer
Developer exam—The Developer exam tests the candidate's ability to complete an extended
programming assignment and answer questions concerning the issues and tradeoffs involved in
the assignment's completion.
Architect exam—The Architect exam tests a candidate's familiarity with the technologies used
to build Java-based enterprise applications and the candidate's ability to resolve issues in Java
application design. This exam focuses on much higher-level software and system engineering
skills than the Programmer and Developer exams.
Being a Java evangelist since its initial alpha release in 1995 and having written several books on Java,
I was intrigued about how Sun would go about testing programmers. When I finally took the JDK 1.1
Programmer's exam back in 1998, I was amazed at the great job that Sun's testers had done at
selecting a challenging and highly appropriate set of questions for the test. When I was invited in
December of 1998 to visit Sun's Broomfield, Colorado campus to select the questions for the Java 2
Programmer's exam, I jumped at the chance. Since then, I've been actively involved in all aspects of
Java certification, taking and passing each of the three exams and developing an online training course
for DigitalThink. I am confident that this book will help you in your quest to attain Java certification, no
matter which certification exam you take.

Attaining Java certification is not easy. The most basic certification exam the Programmer exam is very
difficult, even for an experienced Java programmer. This exam covers every aspect of the Java
language and many of the core classes and interfaces of the basic API packages. In order to pass this
exam you must acquire both a breadth and depth of experience with the Java language and selected

API packages. This book is organized to help you to prepare for the Programmer, Architect, and
Developer exams as follows:

Part I of this book is dedicated to the Programmer exam and is organized according to Sun's
published exam topics and objectives. It contains a detailed and focused description of the topics
that are covered by the exam, numerous questions that review your understanding of these
topics, and even more questions that you can use to measure your progress and determine when
you're ready to take the exam.

Part II prepares you for the Java Architect exam. It introduces the technologies that are covered
by the exam and describes the issues and tradeoffs involved in building Java-based distributed
applications. It also provides review and sample exam questions that you can use to assess your
mastery of the exam topics.

Part III covers the Java Developer exam. It provides you with background information on what
to expect and provides a number of tips that will help you to successfully complete your
assignment. The essay part of the Developer exam is also covered. Approaches to preparing for
and answering the essay questions are described. Sample exam questions are examined and
answers to these questions are provided.
Who Should Read This Book

This book is for anyone who wants to take and pass any of the three Java 2 Platform certification
exams. If you are an experienced Java programmer and you want to pass the Programmer exam, this
book will show you how. It will fill any gaps that you might have in your knowledge of the Java language
or fundamental API packages. It will cover all that you need to know to do well on the exam and help
you to assess your test readiness through hundreds of review and sample exam questions. If you study
the material presented in each chapter, use the review questions to identify areas that you need to
improve in, and continue your study until you get high grades in the sample exam questions. Then you'll
be on a direct path to passing the exam.
If you are not an experienced Java programmer, you'll need to learn how to program in Java before
taking the Programmer exam. I suggest that you start with Sun's online Java tutorial at and work your way through
an intermediate to advanced Java book, such as Java 1.2 Unleashed.

If you are an experienced software or system engineer and you want to take and pass the Java
Architect exam, this book will point you to the information that you need to know in order to pass the
exam. While you won't be an experienced architect after reading six chapters, you will have covered the
Architect exam topics and learned about the salient issues faced by the architects of Java-based
applications. Moreover, the review and exam questions of these chapters will help you to determine
whether you need more study or are ready to take the exam. You don't need to take the Java
Programmer exam to take the Java Architect exam. However, as you can probably guess, knowledge of
Java programming is extremely helpful for anyone who wants to design Java-based applications.

If you successfully pass the Java Programmer exam, you may want to achieve a higher level of
certification by taking and passing the Java Developer exam. The Java Developer exam is a two-part
exam that consists of a programming assignment and an essay exam. The programming assignment
requires you to complete a partially developed Java application according to a list of very specific
instructions. The essay exam consists of a small number (5–10) of short-answer essay questions. In
order to take the Java Developer exam you must take and pass the Programmer exam. If you haven't
taken the Programmer exam, then you should definitely start with that. Don't worry about the Developer
exam until you have the Programmer exam under your belt. Once you've taken the Programmer exam, I
recommend that you take (or at least study for) the Architect exam. The object-oriented design
principles that you cover in preparing for the Architect exam will help you to do better on the
programming assignment part of the Developer exam and also help you to answer the essay questions
with a better understanding of the design tradeoffs they address.

Getting Started

To use this book, you'll need a computer and operating system that support the Java 2 Platform. There
are a wide variety of operating systems that support the Java 2 Platform, including Windows 2000, NT,
98, and 95, Linux, and Solaris. Ports of the Java 2 Platform to many other operating systems are in the
works. The examples used in this book were developed under Windows 98. However, they are pure
Java and will run under all Java 2 Platform implementations.

The CD-ROM that accompanies this book contains all the source and compiled code for all examples
presented in this book. The CD-ROM is a hybrid that works on Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Macintosh
platforms. In addition, it contains an Exam Preparation program that helps you to review the material
presented in each chapter and a Simulated Exam program that tests your knowledge of this material.
Appendixes A and B show you how to install and run these programs.

How to Use This Book

No matter which exam you are studying for, I recommend that you start with Chapter 1 and proceed
through each chapter of the book in order, working through all review and exam questions. Passing the
Programmer exam is a prerequisite to taking the Developer exam. However, I believe that the refined
understanding of the Java language and basic API that you need to pass the Programmer exam is also
an important asset to a Java Architect. I also believe that the object-oriented software engineering skills
that you need to pass the Java Architect exam will help you to do better on the Java Developer exam.

Conventions Used in This Book

This book follows certain conventions that make it easier for you to use.

List of Objectives—Each chapter begins with a list of objectives that identify areas you
should focus on in studying the material presented in the chapter.
Chapter Outline—The chapter's outline is presented after the list of objectives, enabling you
to get a quick overview of the chapter's organization.
Study Strategies—Study strategies that identify ways to prepare for the certification exam
are provided, following the chapter outline.
Chapter Introduction/Summary—In order for you to understand where you are going and
where you have been, each chapter begins with a short description of the information that
will be presented and ends with a summary of the material that was covered.
Key Terms—A list of key terms are provided at the end of each chapter. You should review
each term and make sure that you are familiar with how the term applies to the material that
you studied in the chapter.
Review Questions—Review questions are short-answer questions that test your
comprehension of the material that was presented in the chapter. I recommend that you
write down your answers to these questions to increase your retention of the information
you've studied.
Exam Questions—Exam questions are multiple-choice questions that are modeled after
questions that appear in the certification exams. These questions are used to test your
knowledge of the material covered in the chapter and determine whether you need further
study before going on to the next chapter or taking the certification exam.
Answers and Explanations—The answers to each of the review and exam questions are
provided along with short explanations as to why each answer is correct.
Suggested Readings and Resources—Each chapter ends with a reference to additional
information that you can use to learn more about the information that you just studied.
A monospaced font is used to identify program code. An italic monospaced font is used to
identify any placeholders used in Java syntax descriptions.

In addition, the following visual cues will help draw your attention to important information.
Note Notes like this are used to call your attention to information that is important to
understanding and using Java or doing well on the certification exams.
Tip Tips like this are used to identify ways that you can use Java more efficiently or
prepare yourself for the certification exams.
Warning Warnings like this are used to help you to avoid common problems
encountered when using Java and when answering exam questions.

The Book's Web Site

To help you with your certification studies, I've put together a Java certification Web site that
supplements the information presented in this book. It provides a forum for feedback on the certification
exams and contains any corrections for errors that are discovered after the book's printing. The URL for
this Web site is If you have any questions,
comments, or suggestions concerning the book, its Web site, or the certification exams, please direct
them to

Part I: Becoming a Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer

Chapter List

Chapter 1: Overview of the Java Programmer Exam

Chapter 2: Language Fundamentals

Chapter 3: Operators and Assignments

Chapter 4: Declarations and Access Control

Chapter 5: Flow Control and Exception Handling

Chapter 6: Overloading, Overriding, Runtime Type, and Object Orientation

Chapter 7: Garbage Collection

Chapter 8: Threads

Chapter 9: The java.lang Package

Chapter 10: The java.util Package

Chapter 11: The java.awt Package: Components and Facilities

Chapter 12: The java.awt Package: Layout

Chapter 13: The java.awt Package: Event Handling

Chapter 14: The java.awt Package: Painting

Chapter 15: The Package

Exam Questions (from Sun)
1. What would be the result of attempting to compile and run the following piece of code?

public class Test {
static int x;
public static void main (String args—]) {
System.out.println("Value is " + x);
} }
A. The output "Value is 0" is printed.
B. An object of type NullPointerException is thrown.
C. An "illegal array declaration syntax" compiler error occurs.
D. A "possible reference before assignment" compiler error occurs.
E. An object of type ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.

7. What should you use to position a Button within an application Frame so that the size of the Button is NOT affected by the Frame size?
A. A FlowLayout
B. A GridLayout
C. The center area of a BorderLayout
D. The East or West area of a BorderLayout
E. The North or South area of a BorderLayout

8. Which is the advantage of encapsulation?
A. Only public methods are needed.
B. No exceptions need to be thrown from any method.
C. Making the class final causes no consequential changes to other code.
D. It changes the implementation without changing the interface and causes no consequential changes to other code.
E. It changes the interface without changing the implementation and causes no consequential changes to other code.

9. What can contain objects that have a unique key field of String type, if it is required to retrieve the objects using that key field as an index?
A. Map B. Set C. List D. Collection E. Enumeration

10. Which statement is true about a non-static inner class?
A. It must implement an interface.
B. It is accessible from any other class.
C. It can only be instantiated in the enclosing class.
D. It must be final, if it is declared in a method scope.
E. It can access private instance variables in the enclosing object.

11. Which are keywords in Java?
A. NULL B. sizeof C. friend D. extends E. synchronized

12. Which declares an abstract method in an abstract Java class?
A. public abstract method();
B. public abstract void method();
C. public void abstract Method();
D. public void method() {abstract;}
E. public abstract void method() {}

Answers to Exam Questions
1. A. The program compiles without error. The default value of an uninitialized int variable is 0. 2. A. The size of a component that is laid out via a BorderLayout or GridLayout is affected by the Frame size. This is not the case with a FlowLayout.
3. D. When a class is properly encapsulated, it is possible to change the class's implementation without changing its interface. Implementation changes do not affect other classes which abide by this interface.
4. A. The Map interface provides the capability to retrieve objects by their keys. The others do not.
5. E. An object of a non-static inner class is able to access private variables of objects of the outer class in which it is defined.
6. D. and E The words, extends and synchronized, are Java keywords. The others are not.
7. B. The abstract keyword must precede the method's return type.

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